Puerto Rican

Why I think Jane the Virgin is amazing!


I have this new obsession.  That show on the CW called Jane the Virgin.  Maybe I felt a little nostalgic because it reminded me of all of the novelas (Spanish soap operas) I used to watch growing up, but it has reeled me in like the hungriest tuna swimming upstream.  With my new obsession, I started googling everything I could about the actors and who they were.  I happened to stumble upon this interview on YouTube that really touched me at the very core.  Gina Rodriguez, who plays Jane, starts talking about how this role came up unexpectedly.  Someone with her look and nationality would not normally go for a lead part in almost anything.  Here was her chance.  She spoke about how her father told her that she was beautiful regardless of what others think. What she said was powerful.  It means that anyone can really live their dream.  Too many times were caught up in the notion that we're not pretty enough or experienced enough or that we don't fit the mold.  But we are all beautiful.  Maybe I connect because I'm also Puerto Rican who grew up around a lot of anglos due to my dad being in the military.  I always had wild and crazy hair and I never fit into one particular crowd.  Gina from Jane the Virgin mentions that once you get past what's in your head, you are capable of so many things.  It's simply that amazing and simple.  The thing holding us all back from what we really want to accomplish is our own minds.  Once we all get past the doubt, the negative words from other people, worrying what others think, the perception of what society believes to be beautiful, and constant thoughts of remedial things, we can succeed.  Gina says, once she got past it, everything was so clear.

I do have to give major props to Gina Rodriguez from Jane the Virgin for getting a Golden Globe for best actress this past year.  I mean, this girl from Chicago who just wanted to be an actress landed a lead role in topsy, turvy show that makes my heart jump each time.  This is just as amazing as the diversity of the cast from Orange is the New Black.

When I delve deeper and deeper into the wonderful cast of Jane the Virgin, I can't help but want to watch more.  I'm just not looking forward to the season finale.  That would mean I would have to wait months to see another episode!

To Be Puerto Rican...


Growing up, I struggled with self image.  I was born to a father in the military who was stationed in Germany and both of my parents were Puerto Rican.  On the military bases, there was a community of Puerto Ricans who got together to do parrandas, a caroling tradition in Puerto Rico, during Christmas time and spoke Spanish.  My dad sang and played guitar while others played the güiro and slapped the tambour.  That's what I knew in my younger years.  I mean, there were other cultures in the community but I didn't feel any prejudice.  There were Asians, Blacks, Whites and Hispanics all throughout the community and I didn't recall being told I was different because of the color of my skin.  I guess that's what it is to be a military brat.  Just knowing there is going to be all kinds of culture around you. When I moved to Florida,  things were very different.  Orlando is permeated with Puerto Ricans either the island of Puerto Rico, Chicago, or New York.  I was not from any of those places.  It was strange because I was either not Puerto Rican enough or I didn't come from New York so I didn't fit in.  Throughout middle and high school, I struggled with who I really was.  I spoke English really well so to the Puerto Ricans I was too "White" and to the everyone else I was too brown.  None of it made any sense.

Finally, when I got to college.  I threw aside what I was defined to be during my high school years.  I decided to be myself and learn what I could about my culture.  I did enjoy reggaeton but I wanted to know the history of Puerto Rico.  I wanted to speak better Spanish to understand my relatives.  I wanted to learn how to dance salsa, merengue, and cha cha.  And that's what I did.

I became President of the Puerto Rican organization on campus and through planning events, I learned about things I didn't even know.  I learned about bomba and plena, African dances from Puerto Rico's history.  I understood the battle for independence from the Grito de Lares and how Lares has amazing flavors in ice cream like corn and rice and beans...ha!  I also decided to make a conscious effort to visit my family in Puerto Rico at least every two years.

The most important lesson out of all of this is that no one can define who you are.  I embrace my culture through it's history, the beautiful land and beaches, and through my family.  I believe all cultures have their beauty.  However, I am Puerto Rican and no one can take that away from me.

Ignorance is Bliss

I'm normally fairly positive however there is one thing that bothers me, maybe because I've been a victim of it in my younger years, discrimination.  In light of recent events, Marc Anthony was ridiculed via Twitter for singing "America" because it was thought to be un-American.  I am floored by these kinds of comments only because 1.  He was born in New York.  2.  He is Puerto Rican.  (Puerto Rico is a common wealth of the U.S. and those who live there are American citizens).  3.  Spanish is the 2nd most widely spoken language in the world.  4.  The U.S. is a melting pot.  Yes, he's a Grammy winning artist, but that shouldn't matter at all, right?.  :-/  Not even a months ago, members of the University of Southern Mississippi chanted to a Puerto Rican basketball player, "Where's your Green card?"  Ignorance. images

I think its sad that most Americans don't know their own history.  Every single one of us are descendants of immigrants in one form or fashion.  It is even said to believe that Native American came over from Eurasia over the Bering Strait.  Anyone with European ancestors had to get here somehow.  Because Hispanics speak a different language, it doesn't mean we're any less American than anyone else.  I don't speak Mexican or Puerto Rican.  I speak Spanish, English, and a little Italian. :-)

My father served in the U.S. Army for over 30 years and retired as a Lt. Colonel.  I still cry when I hear the National Anthem and I have several cousins who serve in the military.  I'm proud to be in this country.  But as soon as I go to a community that is not used to the way I look, I get criticized.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what they think.  I still love my curly hair and brown skin.  I love the fact I speak more than one language and I'm proud of my culture.  I love the fact that I get excited to know there's a whole pig being cooked in the backyard.  The list goes on and on.  All of our differences, cultures, beliefs and so on is what makes this country beautiful.  It's the ignorance that makes us ugly.