You really don’t know a person until you know ummm… their last name? Recently, a really good friend of mine decided to embark on the internet dating scene after a traumatizing end to a relationship. I warned her that maybe she wasn’t ready for dating so I directed her to a free dating site just to get her feet wet. I didn’t realize she would get a true dose of reality in the world of dating.

One day, she showed me a picture of a guy she had just started talking to who happened to make quite an impression. This guy loved sports, had a son, had a sexy voice, and way more according to her. I found the situation strange from the beginning because he had asked her to meet him at his job at a very busy restaurant in Winter Park.
That Saturday, I went with her to this restaurant, kind of excited because I was going to check out this guy and get a hook up. At least that’s what I thought. We sat down at the bar and my friend sent him a text that she was there. She was so excited and nervous, it was adorable. I guess I’d been dating for such a long time, I forgot what it was like to feel like a school girl. He finally walked by and she was happily surprised. “He looks so much better in person”, she exclaimed.
He passed by a couple of times more, a friend of mine met with me (I didn’t want to be a third wheel) and he invited us to go to a bar after. Granted, we didn’t get the best hook up but we did get a discount. In my personal opinion, if a guy invites you meet him somewhere, he should offer to pay. Just sayin’.
After that night, they continued talking and made plans to have lunch the following week. Then made plans to hang out on a Saturday night. One important point I will have to point out, they did exchange information with eachother, like their last names. She asked him once, “Hey, I don’t even know your last name.” He hesitated a bit and said, “It’s Fernandez.” That was that.
That Saturday night, I was downtown with her hanging out with some friends from college. She left me to meet with her new beau to hang out after making arrangements with my friends. They met, went to the bar and had a couple of drinks. Interestingly enough, the bartender asked, “What name is your tab under?” He answers, “Lopez.”
Lopez??? My friend was told Fernandez. Talk about “red flag”. So yes, we did what every other girl would do. We Googled him. And what we found was something I have never experienced before. We found his mugshot along with several domestic violence charges. I think he figured out that she heard his last name because he conveniently disappeared.
After this experience, I just shake my head. Some men out there in the dating world are just not datable.