
My Rattled Psyche


My psyche has been rattled quite a bit over the past few months. Wedding planning is more like a psychological roller coaster that takes you from super excited to damn right devastated. I spoke to one of The Comedian’s coworkers yesterday whose daughter is planning a wedding and she mentioned her daughter is at the stage where she does not care anymore. Well, that’s where I’m at right now. Through this whole process, I have met incredible people, and I’ve realized who was willing to go the extra mile. I do cherish my friends and family to my core. However, one has to realize you can’t save them all.

Relationships, advice, dating

Recently, I had a conversation with someone who made me realize why I love my friends so dearly and that I have the natural feeling to want to help them regardless if they might have done something negative. It’s the reason why I blog. I like to hope that somewhere in the world, I’m able to help someone with my words or stories. That some woman out there might be on the verge of making a wrong decision, she reads the blog and a light appears in front of her.  I love to provide a service to help those in need of clarity in their personal lives.

I hope with all of my experiences that I will be able to provide the glimmer of hope someone was seeking.  I sincerely believe I was put on this earth to endure some hardships, interpret it as an opportunity to find strength, and share it with the world.  Wisdom does not come with experience; it comes with the ability to make your experiences learning opportunities.

It happens to be the same reason I have the tendency to want to help people in their relationships. Not too long ago, I spent an additional 30 minutes in a car with an Uber driver giving him advice in his relationship. Regardless of whether the Comedian felt that this was appropriate, my drunken persona felt that this was the right thing to do at the time.

The theme of my bachelorette party cruise was one of finding ourselves again.  Through all of the babies and significant others, we lose sight of how amazing we are as women.  We're strong and resilient.  Whether we make plans in the future to go to Ireland or Argentina is all up to us.  There is a magnetic pull for us to move forward in a productive and happy direction.  I will never forget what the trip has taught me about myself, and I will never forget the conversations.  I think that's why I'm so rattled.  I needed to be reminded that we all are amazing, and we deserve the best.  I remembered that I love my friends and family , I love meeting new people, and I love to dance like no one is looking.

My psyche will be normal again

Wedding planning, working full time, and finding a path in freelancing can take a toll on someone.  I sincerely cannot wait to get the wedding behind me.  There are so many things that are changing right now that I can't speak about because it is a bit premature.  However, I am very excited.   Let's just say; I will have more time to write and travel as I've always dreamed.  Who knows, I might go back to school.  I think my calling is to help people in their relationships.  It's not easy to see what is going on in your relationship from the inside, but an outside wise perspective might give you that light you've been seeking.

Coincidently enough, this was Joel Osteen's prayer for the day:

“Father, today I raise my level of expectancy. I choose to take the limits off of my thinking. I know that You are able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all I could ever ask, think or imagine. Thank You for the blessing You have in store for me in Jesus’ name! Amen.”

finding yourself, relationships, relationship advice