It's been a couple of weeks since I last wrote in my infamous blog. I've had a bit of writer's block, as they say. Since moving in with the Comedian, I've been coincidentally crazy at work, then I go home and it seems there is something to do or someone to see. I tell you, it's been non stop. I yearn for the days when I turn to the Comedian, he looks at me and asks, "So what do you want to do today?" Lately, it's been, "Babe, what do we have scheduled for the weekend?"
I have calmed down immensely from my crazy college days. I think it was a progression. When I found my group of friends from Orlando, they were just as crazy as I was. It was a match made in party heaven, however, they are settling down a little bit as well. There are babies and pregnancies popping up all over the place. My co workers consistently tell me, I'm next. I look at them and say, "Not yet, I haven't been drinking the water."
Lately, I've immersed myself in listening to podcasts like crazy. Honestly, the Comedian got me into them. It started off listening to his favorite comedian, Bill Burr, and it grew to bloggers like Pat Flynn and my new favorite, Entrepreneurs on Fire. It has my mind going a mile a minute on what plans I might for my future. Don't get me wrong, I love to write, I just want that to be what propels me to what I am destined to do.
I know deep down inside, this is only the beginning. I know in a few years, this blog will have a new meaning and great following.
Thank you all for reading!