
Ignorance is Bliss

I'm normally fairly positive however there is one thing that bothers me, maybe because I've been a victim of it in my younger years, discrimination.  In light of recent events, Marc Anthony was ridiculed via Twitter for singing "America" because it was thought to be un-American.  I am floored by these kinds of comments only because 1.  He was born in New York.  2.  He is Puerto Rican.  (Puerto Rico is a common wealth of the U.S. and those who live there are American citizens).  3.  Spanish is the 2nd most widely spoken language in the world.  4.  The U.S. is a melting pot.  Yes, he's a Grammy winning artist, but that shouldn't matter at all, right?.  :-/  Not even a months ago, members of the University of Southern Mississippi chanted to a Puerto Rican basketball player, "Where's your Green card?"  Ignorance. images

I think its sad that most Americans don't know their own history.  Every single one of us are descendants of immigrants in one form or fashion.  It is even said to believe that Native American came over from Eurasia over the Bering Strait.  Anyone with European ancestors had to get here somehow.  Because Hispanics speak a different language, it doesn't mean we're any less American than anyone else.  I don't speak Mexican or Puerto Rican.  I speak Spanish, English, and a little Italian. :-)

My father served in the U.S. Army for over 30 years and retired as a Lt. Colonel.  I still cry when I hear the National Anthem and I have several cousins who serve in the military.  I'm proud to be in this country.  But as soon as I go to a community that is not used to the way I look, I get criticized.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what they think.  I still love my curly hair and brown skin.  I love the fact I speak more than one language and I'm proud of my culture.  I love the fact that I get excited to know there's a whole pig being cooked in the backyard.  The list goes on and on.  All of our differences, cultures, beliefs and so on is what makes this country beautiful.  It's the ignorance that makes us ugly.

Happy Birthday America!


During occasions which involves the military, I get pretty emotional.  I'm the type of person who cries during the national anthem.  My dad retired as a Lt. Colonel in the army not too long ago and continues to work for the military as a civilian.  I have three cousins in the military.  Two in the navy and one in the army.  I was also engaged to someone in the army who served in Afghanistan. So as you can see, I have a lot of ties and respect for what men and women in the military do for us to keep our country safe. 

I get especially emotional when I see a soldier speak to his/her family while deployed or when they come home.  I tend to be a very strong person when it comes to crying, however, that always touches a part of my heart.  At the moment, I'm extremely torn because my cousin, who is like a brother to me, is going back to Afghanistan this month.  I can't imagine what goes on over there but by what I've been told, its not exactly a pleasant nor safe situation.  I know you risk your life by simply getting into a car but something is to be said about being in a very hostile area where your life is in danger by walking in the wrong area.  

Growing up, I told myself that I never wanted to date someone in the military.  Not that I don't have respect for what they do but I knew that, deep down inside, I couldn't handle the lifestyle.  I knew that I wanted someone to be there with me to raise the family, to be there with me through thick and thin.  My love language is Quality Time (I totally recommend that you read the 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman), which means, in order for me to feel loved or have my love tank full, I need to spend time with that person and have good quality time with them.  I give major props to military wives and girlfriends who hold down the fort while their men are overseas.  I know its not easy.  It was very hard for me while my ex fiance was overseas.  I remember, I cried literally every day for the first month he was away on his deployment.  I just don't like the idea of losing someone you care about, I mean, who does?  

This blog goes out to all of those who have served for our country, those families who have lost loved ones and those who are overseas right now.  I am immensely grateful for all that you've done.  I also want to pray that my cousins all come home safely as one is about to leave and the other two are away from home already.  I love you all.