This morning, I woke up in a super cranky mood. I never understood how some days I'm a ball of positivity and others I just want to claw someone's eyes out. It's like every email or request makes me wish I was still at home cuddled in bed watching useless tv. I ask myself, why does this happen? I wonder if being a woman in a hormonal state causes some sort of unwanted emotion? Does this happen to men? Is there really a division in the sexes? I never liked to think so but the older I get and the more aware of my emotions I become, the more I think there is.
Normally, in these situations, I pop some "happy pills". A term coined by my coworkers after taking some St. John's Wort (a natural supplement). We're not sure if it has a placebo affect, but it does work. So, in essence, it doesn't matter if its a placebo or not. :-)
After feeling the way I felt this morning, I turned on Joel Osteen's podcast from yesterday and that didn't work. I'll keep looking for something a little positive to put some pep in my step.