This date wasn't necessarily a bad one, it was what happened at the end which was embarrassing. I had a crush on this guy in college for whatever reason. Actually, I'm still not sure what it was but there was something about him. He was a Mexican Texan who looked slightly like Fred Flinstone... it could had been some weird connection to my childhood... but I digress. So I asked him if he could take me to this really popular sushi restaurant in Gainesville. If you went to UF, you know which one I'm talking about. Anyhow, I ate sushi, he didn't but I guess I can understand some people just don't have the acquired taste for it. The date ended and he paid then told me he needed to head to the bathroom. I went to the front of the restaurant and waited for him so we could go on with our day. Our waitress then approached me and I asked what was wrong. She asked me, "Did I do something bad?"
I said no and asked why. She then said, "I only got a $1 tip from you guys." My jaw dropped (not literally but in my mind). How embarrassing. I told her I was really sorry and unfortunately I didn't have cash on me. Then I offered that she take my debit card and charge me for something so I could tip her, she refused. My date came back from the bathroom and we left.
I didn't say anything to my date but I was totally turned off. Last time I went out with Fred Flinstone.